A Positive Path for Spiritual Living

A Positive Path to Spiritual Living

Welcome from Rev. Ann Marie

Welcome Home. Again and again we hear people say, “I think I’ve found my spiritual home.” Maybe they feel the warmth and the love that is here. Maybe it’s because Unity teaches universal truths rather than religious doctrine. Maybe it’s because we combine mental science with the heart of Christian mysticism. The Truth we teach is not new – it is universal and eternal, meaning the same for everyone. People often ask us, “Are you Christian?” I like to say, “We are Christian and more, in that we welcome friends from all philosophies and we honor all paths that lead to God.”     

We offer a safe environment for freedom of exploration. We are seekers and explorers of Truth in all things. In Unity, we believe God is absolute good … and because we all exist within and as part of this divine energy, each of us is also inherently good.

The Unity movement is open and welcoming of all individuals regardless of race, color, gender, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical disability or sexual orientation. We invite you to read our formal (yet ever-evolving) statement of diversity and inclusion.

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Sundays @ 11:30 AM

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Wesley Foundation Chapel
271 E. 9th St.
Cookeville, TN 38501

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Service Times

Sundays @ 11:30 AM

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Come See Us

Wesley Foundation Chapel
271 E. 9th St.
Cookeville, TN 38501

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Explore more about Unity Church in Cookeville


People often ask, “What is Unity?” Unity is a Positive Path for Spiritual Living. We are Christian and more, in that we welcome people of all faiths and philosophies and honor all paths that lead to God. We are seekers and explorers of Truth. Our primary emphasis is on the practical application of universal, spiritual principles that transform lives.  Through the practical application of these spiritual principles, as taught by Jesus Christ, every person can realize and express his or her divine potential for a healthier, happier and more successful life.  


  1. There is only One Presence and One Power; God the absolute good.
  2. Our essence is Divine and therefore we are all inherently good.
  3. We believe in the Creative process – that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and words help to shape our lives.
  4. We practice two types of prayer: Affirmative Prayer and Quiet Meditative Prayer.
  5. Knowing and understanding these Truths are not enough. We choose to live these Truths (as taught by Jesus Christ) in our daily lives.


Our Mission:  Celebrating Our Oneness!

Our Vision:  Joyful Acceptance and Loving Service, Embracing All!


We are here to pray with you! Unity Worldwide Ministries was founded on the power of prayer. Silent Unity is a 24-hour prayer line at our headquarters at Unity Village.  You can call the Silent Unity Prayer Line @ 816-969-2000 or submit a request online here.